Dr. Pankaj Talwar
Dr. Pankaj Talwar

In an IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation) OT (Operating Theatre), maintenance is of utmost importance to ensure a controlled and sterile environment, critical for successful fertility treatments. Here are some aspects of OT maintenance in an IVF setting:

  • Sterilisation: Maintaining a sterile environment is crucial in an IVF OT. All surgical instruments, equipment, and surfaces must undergo rigorous sterilisation procedures to prevent any contamination that could affect the fertility treatment process.
  • Air Quality: The OT’s air quality is carefully controlled to minimise the presence of airborne particles, microbes, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters are commonly used to achieve high air quality standards.
  • Temperature and Humidity Control: IVF OTs require strict temperature and humidity control to ensure the optimal conditions for embryo development and handling. Stable and consistent environmental conditions are essential for the success of IVF procedures.
  • Regular Cleaning: The OT needs to be regularly cleaned and disinfected to maintain a sterile environment. All surfaces, floors, and equipment should undergo thorough cleaning to eliminate potential contaminants.
  • Equipment Calibration: Regular of equipment, such as incubators, microscopes, and centrifuges, is necessary to ensure accurate and reliable results during IVF procedures.
  • Quality Control: Frequent quality control checks are performed to verify that all processes, including sterilization and environmental controls, meet the required standards for IVF procedures.
  • Monitoring and Compliance: Continuous monitoring of the OT environment, including temperature, humidity, and air quality, is essential to identify any deviations and take corrective actions promptly.
  • Staff Training: Personnel working in the IVF OT must receive comprehensive training on maintaining a sterile environment, handling sensitive equipment, and following strict protocols to ensure the success of fertility treatments.

By adhering to these maintenance practices, IVF OTs can provide a safe and controlled environment for conducting fertility treatments, increasing the chances of successful outcomes for couples seeking to conceive through assisted reproductive techniques.